The Moon Speakers Series - Lunar Scars: The Impact of Impacts on the Moon
Thursday, April 10, 2025 7:30–8:30 PM
- LocationBGSU Planetarium in the Physical Sciences Laboratory Building, 112
- DescriptionJoin us in the Planetarium for a public talk titled Lunar Scars: The Impact of Impacts on the Moon, presented by Dr. Andrew McNeill, Assistant Professor, BGSU Department of Physics & Astronomy.Although the Moon appears calm and tranquil in the night sky, the many craters across its surface tell a different story. Its history is one of dramatic collisions from the large single event thought to have created it to the many small impacts that scar its surface today. The Earth has had a similarly violent history but much of the evidence has been hidden by years of erosion. While many collisions across the Earth and Moon happened in the distant past, asteroid impacts remain an ongoing concern as shown by the recently discovered Near-Earth Object 2024 YR4.By studying the history of the Moon we can get a look into our own past as well as food for thought about future collisions. This talk explores collisions that shaped the Moon, how some of this ejected material ended up on the Earth and what these past events reveal about the threat of asteroids today.This program is one of six sessions hosted by the BGSU Planetarium on a wide range of interdisciplinary topics, each with a connection to the Moon. Programs in the series will be every Thursday evening starting March 13 and running through April 17. “The Moon Speakers Series” events are free and open to the public.This talk will also be available to livestream via zoom at
- Website